Friday, August 17, 2007

Great books for kids- what's new

I've been reading like a fiend lately to be ready to booktalk teachers and students as the new school year approaches. I've found some absolute gems.

Edward's Eyes by Patricia MacLachlan - coming out on Aug. 28 is a DO NOT MISS! It's great reading for kids who are 8-12 who love reading about families and people and who care deeply about others (and for most grown women.) A heartwrencher. Don't hand this to boys who just want action and adventure.

Johnny and the Bomb by Terry Pratchett- Already published and a really good time will be had by all. Johnny has enough of Everyman in him to make you care about him. His friends are wacky enough that you want to see what they'll do next. Time travel and a bit of history intertwined with his wonderful humor. Here's the book for those boys who don't want to see Edward's Eyes.

Getting Air by Dan Gutman-hmmm....maybe it's a possibility for boys ages 7-10. They would get skateboarding, terrorists, a deep discussion of religion, some education on how to survive in the great outdoors...

Schooled by Gordon Korman - here we go...this is great stuff for males/females alike - ages 9-13.
Our young protagonist is coming off a "farm" where he's lived with his grandmother. He's completely disconnected from the big, wide world until his granny falls from the branch of a plum tree and catapaults him into middle school -8th grade to be exact. Ripe for the plucking himself he is spotted by an alpha male in the school...can you really be yourself and survive in the 8th grade?

Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie - Jordan Sonnenblick - FABULOUS - great pick for girls about 10-14. Meet our protagonist who is really tired of being tagged after by his younger brother.
Until his younger brother has leukemia. The whole world tilts. He still loves to play the drums and he still thinks that girl who sits in front of him is very hot...what a great job Mr. Sonnenblick has done to draw you into this young man's world and make you want to know him.

1 comment:

Scarlet said...


How fun is this? So many of the things I love about working with you already are showing up in your blog! I love the quick book reviews and learning about the 'connections' happening through your gardening. Can't wait to read more!
